Speaking @ tlacSEA

If you know someone who belongs on the tlacSEA conference stage, or if you belong there yourself, we want to hear from you! Please use our speaker nomination form.

We are looking for industry leaders and experts to share their perspectives and experiences in navigating the transport and logistics world. As Southeast Asia’s leading conference on transportation, logistics and air cargo, we want to bring fresh ideas and new insights to foster learning, discussion and innovation in the transport and logistics community.

If you are passionate and willing to share your expertise, we want to hear you speak at tlacSEA conference.

2025 Theme Overview

Fostering Resilience in Transportation & Logistics

Addressing the latest challenges and opportuinities in transport and logistic sector because of more complex product demands, market conditions and new regulations.

Paving the way for a greener future

Discussing how transport and logistic players can meet the climate goal by decarbonizing the supply chain operations and the value chain.

Leveraging digitalization for enhanced business growth and efficiency

Exploring organization and automation solutions to transform supply chain management across sectors, enhance terminal and port optimization, storage management for improved operation excellence.


Gaining insights and best practices from supply chain leaders across industries to enhance your understanding of real-world supply chain processes.

Suggest a speaker

If you or someone you know belongs on our roster, we want to hear from you!
Submit a nomination through our speaker form and let us know why they’re the perfect fit for the tlacSEA conference stage.

FAQ: Speaking @ tlacSEA

How do I suggest a speaker?

Use the speaker nomination form and provide as much information as you can. This form goes directly to our content team for their review.

Can I suggest someone I don’t know personally?

Yes, please do! Just let us know how you’ve heard about this person, and why you think they shouold speak at tlacSEA stage.

Can I suggest someone I work for, or a client of mine?


Can I suggest myself as a speaker?


Can I speak at tlacSEA by becoming a session sponsor?

Yes, by becoming a session sponsor, you will get a guaranteed a speaking slot. Please note that all sponsors must also exhibit at tlacSEA.

Is there a nomination deadline?

We accept speaker nominations year-round. It is best to for our content team to receive your suggestions as early as possible before the next edition, so we can research carefully and make the best decision for the speaker line up.

Do you have keynotes or panels?

Yes, tlacSEA features multiple session tracks, including selective keynote and panel discussions on our different stages.

Do you have any preferences for speakers?

We prefer speakers who can offer content perspectives from shippers. Most Exhibitors’ speaking opportunities will be tied to sponsorship and exhibiting packages.

Do you pay speakers?

tlacSEA does not pay any speakers. In certain circumstances, we do, of course, cover part of travel and/or hotel costs, subject to review and approval. Most speakers stay for the whole event days and connecting with other attendees.



FEB 14-16, 2024

Mumbai, India


FEB 19-21, 2025

Nairobi, Kenya


JUN 02-05, 2025

Messe München


OCT 29-31, 2025



NOV 11 – 13, 2025

Miami, USA


JUN 24-26, 2026

Shanghai, China